
2020-05-02 17:05:10 竞争



  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that is, competition and cooperation. A person can not live independently in the society, and the competition and cooperation between people is the driving force for our social survival and development. The trees are long and short, the water is clear and turbid, the people are busy in the world, they are inseparable from competition and cooperation.

  The so-called competition is the behavior of two or more individuals or groups that win over each other in an activity, that is, both parties fight for a goal, and only one party can win, while cooperation is the behavior of two or more individuals or groups. In order to achieve the common goal of joint cooperation in an activity, both parties have the same purpose, and both parties share the results.

  For the competition, you will not be unfamiliar. Without the competition of the mid-term examination, we will not stand here. However, without cooperation, the "North South dialogue" and "South South cooperation" will become empty talk. Without cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will become a bubble. Without cooperation, we will still live in the shadow of "SARS" today Bird flu is a problem.

  But competition and cooperation are not opposites. Some students have separated them too much. Some only talk about competition but not cooperation. When other people ask him questions, they don't turn back a sentence of "don't know". They think that to solve other people's problems is to cultivate an opponent for themselves, which is not good for their own competition. Such people are selfish and will be eliminated by the society. Some people think that competition is unnecessary and pay attention to cooperation unilaterally, which leads to a miserable state of complacency and lack of initiative When he was still dreaming in his comfort zone, the world had forgotten it. Therefore, the above two methods are not correct. We should put competition and cooperation in the same important position, so that they can make the best use of everything, and use things for themselves, so that they can reach a higher level.

  If life is compared to a play, then competition is a pair of critical eyes under the stage, and cooperation is a friend who performs with you. Students, let's treat the competition and cooperation correctly and make the most beautiful flowers.


  Today, with the rapid development of China, earth shaking changes have taken place. Should this change arouse our deep thought? Looking back, why is our country so backward? Is it not competing with other countries? No, I want to say no firmly. It is because China used to be a closed door country and not cooperate with other countries. At present, China has implemented a good policy of opening up to the outside world, with rapid development of the country and good development of other countries, so it seems that competition and cooperation can win-win.

  The development and competition between countries are essential. Only with competition can we continuously promote national development, develop new products, and make the country prosperous and the people rich. Today's development of China is inseparable from the competition with other countries, not only the national competition, but also the domestic technology, food, large-scale industries, etc. But at the same time of competition, businessmen from all countries are cooperating closely to make both sides benefit and develop together. Since China's opening to the outside world, its economy has been developing, its comprehensive national strength has been improving, and people's living standards have been rising. From this point of view, only competition and cooperation depend on each other to achieve a win-win situation.

  China is an ancient civilization with a long history, and its economy reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. But later it became so backward because we only focused on the competition with other countries and closed the door. I think that only by myself can we achieve the rapid development of our country until today's situation. It seems that focusing on competition will only lead to the decline of the country.

  As the saying goes, "one fence, three stakes, one hero and three gangs," it means that people should help each other. In our study and life, if you often help others, teach all you know to others, and do not compete with others, it will only make you lose motivation, stop, lose interest in learning, and only stay in the knowledge you originally knew. So if you want to not only get good results from others, you have to get good results. It's not hard to see that only competition and cooperation depend on each other to achieve win-win.

  To sum up, it can be seen that competition cannot exist alone, and cooperation cannot monopolize the Golden branch. Only competition and cooperation depend on each other can win-win, and win-win can be achieved only by closely relying on competition and cooperation.


  In the vast social world, all kinds of intense competition are going on everywhere and all the time. They are not for people to watch, but to promote the indispensable power of social development. If in the competition, in order to achieve personal goals and harm others by any means, it is a great violation of the significance of the existence of competition. Competition is based on the principle of common improvement. Therefore, we should unite and help each other to promote competition through good cooperation, not only to achieve our own goals, but also to contribute more to society.

  Cooperation, a familiar word, is understood by different people. "Cooperation is the formation of a new substance from several substances under certain conditions," said the scientists The dictionary explains: "cooperation is for a common purpose, to cooperate with each other in doing something or accomplishing something together."

  Throughout the ages and at home and abroad, are not all successful people good at cooperation? Taking the computer industry as an example, the vast majority of good software is the result of collective creation, and there are often more than one major developer who makes creation and contribution, so it is difficult to make great achievements alone. Therefore, in today's development of science and technology, scientists who are good at cooperation have a greater chance of achieving great achievements. There is an example: a young man with outstanding ability, quick and reliable work, honest and sincere, never proud, careless of colleagues, and harmonious relationship with partners. Later, he went to a company to develop software. When he found that there was a mistake in the program compiled by his subordinates, he pointed it out in a euphemistic way, and the subordinates also corrected the mistake. When discussing software production, colleagues expressed their own opinions, and he also chose the best one, which made the software have a certain position in the market soon. This event also embodies the connotation of cooperation: not only their own brilliant, but also to enable people better than him to give full play to their talents.

  When it comes to cooperation to create a win-win situation, we have to tell a little story: there are two hungry people who meet a fisherman. The fisherman gives one person a fish and the other gets a fishing rod. But one day later, the people who had fish ate up the fish, and finally died of hunger; the other was too hungry to go fishing, and died of hunger. In fact, they can cooperate and enjoy fish together. Go fishing again

  To be a good cooperator can improve one's quality in the competition. I hope everyone can cooperate with our classmates and build our class into a dynamic and win-win collective!

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