
2020-05-02 16:50:41 芭蕾



  When the moment to choose ballet, may choose to give up to have beautiful feet; When I choose ballet, I will dedicate myself to ballet. When the choice of ballet that moment, become tough, brave, persistent. Beauty, must not be said out ~ need to work hard and sweat... Dream, also must not shout out, more need courage and persistence!



  Some people describe learning ballet as a rather lonely and long road. Professional ballet dancers have high requirements on themselves from childhood, from leg pressure to learn ballet, and then to be able to perform on the stage, it takes seven years of professional training, is year after year, day after day learning, although hard, but brought a lot of happiness, but also learned how to become stronger on the road of life.



  Ballet, the first year of the first class, the first scream, standing for the first time, for the first time to practice, close your eyes like a scene repeated in front of my eyes, perhaps memory too not is a good thing, the site of some of the real happened, the flow through the sweat, silent pain, progressive excited, are in the classroom, and I happened between the master. Through the learning process of twists and turns, from the unfamiliar to the familiar to the tacit understanding, as well as the gradually familiar ballet class, I finally understand that many things as long as you work hard, you can also close to the dream or achieve the dream.



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